Welcome to Tootkin's little corner of internet!

Hello! I am Tootkin, member of Hidden Vale Studio and this a blog to host my devlogs of Fadunn and my various thoughts!

This website is still very much under construction, thanks for visiting anyway!

What is Fadunn?

Fadunn is the game I'm working on! You can try the prototype on itch.io already:

It's a game we designed, produced and published in a month to participate to the Draknek Grant 2024. We sadly didn't get it, but the game is cool and we all want to make it, so we're gonna try our best!

Fadunn is a puzzle game inspired by Shapez and SOLAS128 where you play As the resident alchemist of the local adventurer's guild. You are tasked with discovering the secrets of long-abandoned Fadunn Manor. Transform essence with the help of your extraordinary alembics, to match and unlock the seals!

The idea is to have a factory-like game like Shapez or Infinifactory, where the goal of the game is to trasnform basic resources by creating a pipeline of modifying buildings to match a more complex result. The SOLAS128 influence isn't in the prototype, but will be in the game being a big assembly of rooms, each containing a puzzle and unlocking other rooms, but with some puzzles sprawling through several rooms.

The game is made in Godot, Blender and Krita, all of it running on Linux!

What's going on right now?

Right now (february 2025), I have decided to redo the prototype of Fadunn 0.1 in 3D. I am in the process of replacing all the sprite assets for 3D models, and modifying the code to reflect that change. The game stays the same, gameplay wise, but I'm doing a complete makeover to better fit my love for 3D art. On top of being entirely in 3D, Fadunn 0.2 will have a completely new tutorial to reflect the feedback we got from the dozen of players who tried the version 0.1 and took the time to fill up the survey. An immense thank you from all the team to all of you who played the game and gave us your feedback, your encouragment means a lot to us and was a decisive motivation to keep working on it!

How to support us?

Thank you so much for considering supporting us, that already means a lot! I will soon create a LiberaPay where you will be able to support us directly!

Latest Posts:

  1. 21/03/2025 - From Gameplay To Game Mechanics
  2. 15/03/2025 - Back to the drawing board
  3. 24/02/2025 - It's Vector work...
  4. 22/02/2025 - The Grid is back online!
  5. 21/02/2025 - Raycast achieved!