Import-Export fine tuning
Took more time to fine tune the Import-Export process between Blender and Godot. redesicovered materials in the process, the SSS and emissive options in blender are very cool! can't wait to try them! The whole thing took time because it seems like the accepted process is to have one blend file per asset, and that's gonna be a No from me. After some tinkering I managed to have a system where a single blend file holds several assets that are imported into several .res meshes, which are still synced with the blend file (theoratically. Still need to validate that). I also managed to import the material, I also need to try out the sync status of that, but if everything works it's very exciting! So much more practical than the old process of exporting in fbx, importing in the engine, and recreating the materials and everything in the engine.
Now comes the scary part: actually coding. I've decided to start a new Godot project from scratch, in which I will cherry-pick what was done in the prototype as I go along.